week 2 advertising




  1. Not enough work completed. Please refert to my pervous email, which outlines all the work that you need to complete and examples of how you can complete this work.

    Week 2 Advertising
    Part 1 blog post Research
    On your blog post for week 2 Advertising, show an advert that you consider to be a good example of advertising, then discuss the following:
    1. What makes good design?
    2. What is typography ?
    3. Research An advert / or a designer – See example below
    4. Advert design and layout – See example below
    5. Using text and image in advertising – See example below
    6. What is a Tagline
    7. What is a Logo
    8. The message in advertising
    9. Methods of getting your attention in advertising
    10. Reaching a Target Audience in advertising

    Part 2: Create a blog post to show the amazing work that you created in class – Pixlr and Adobe express.
    Here you will need to write about your work, for example,
    • why you chose the Advert design and layout – see example below
    • why you chose the text and image
    • What is the message in advertising
    • Who is the target audience – see example below

    Part 3:
    For one of your adverts. Create a blog post to demonstrate how you have used the software, in either Pixlr or Adobe express. Here you will need to show screen shots of how you create your work


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