Research Post N*1: Andrea Palladio and Palladianism.

During this break, I discovered the Palladian style in architecture whose father is Andrea Palladio. According to Richardson (2024), Pietro Andrea della Gondola (1508–1580). Palladio was regarded as the most successful architect of the sixteenth century, for which he was copied up to four centuries after his death by numerous other architects.

Based on what I have researched and his beautiful buildings, I think I can see why so many consider his work phenomenal, I would say that his style gives a sense of organization since it is mostly centralized, and the entrance is always in the middle for example and the essence of his work is more focused on the detail of the functional entities of the building. I think it might be linked back to the fact that he started as a mason. 
According to Ewing et al (1974), there is more to a Palladian house's tightness and appropriateness than just a sense of comfort and symmetry. It is the prevailing spirit of balance, appropriate construction, and harmony that characterizes all Palladian architecture.


Palladianism is a style developed by this artist, that focuses on the symmetry of the structure's elements while combining Roman/Greek elements, and other aspects of classical Architecture. (Richardson, 2024)


Richardson, M.A. (2024) Andrea Palladio | Biography, Villa Rotonda, Works, & Facts. [Online] Encyclopedia Britannica. Available from:
Ewing, Nalsy D. (1974) “Andrea Palladio, 1518-1580: Architect and Humanist.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, vol. 7, no. 4, 1974, pp. 59–70,

Image references:
Andrea Palladio. (2024). In Wikipedia.


  1. Is this....finished? I'm glad you think his work is phenomenal. How does this relate to your building design?

  2. Find better links from your initial research to contemporary leisure centre design with classical influences. Start here:
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