Pre-project outline

 Here is the link to my sign off sheet

Project signoff 

(my own)

In this tutorial, my tutor and I discussed what my project will look like in terms of design which will be classical/ gothic and Moorish. Then, we discussed the materials that I think I will use in my 3d outcome; wood, acetate, acrylic, and plaster.

We also discussed the further research that I will do which will be about Palladianism, Classical architecture, and the relationship between Gothic Revival and Moorish architecture. Additionally, I am going to research the different styles of architecture used in the USA, and styles of arches in different cultures and styles, with emphasis on Moorish and Gothic styles. I will also research a few aspects of decoration may that be out of stone or plaster. I will also research a few designers such as; Andrea Palladio, and Charles Barry.

Furthermore, I am going to research the different materials that I can potentially include in my project such as toughened glass aluminum and rendered exteriors. 

Lastly, we agreed on the precise site location which I will dig into more deeply in the next posts.


  1. So follow up on what you have discussed here in your next posts - keep your blog ticking over, this is important so you meet the criteria to achieve the mark you need in order to progress to University. You should have posted your Initial Research this week as well.


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