stacked architecture: Mosha House

 The Mosha House

this is an example of stacked architecture, it is called the " Mocha house". From all the other examples that I have analyzed, I think this one stands out as more relatable to my design since I am also staking floors, but the design will be oval instead of a geometric rectangle-like design.

Here is a top elevation of this house.

The project's chosen form is a transverse volume that runs from the domain to the Mosha plain; as a result, three cantilevered boxes with distinct rotations towards one another emerge. As a result, more areas are created, and the terrace of one floor is the ceiling of another. A superb sense of suspension is provided for every box by the seemingly high sight slope. Functions are assigned according to higher and lower levels. (Cardenas, 2019)
What I like the most about this house is the use of wood, one of the fundamental natural construction materials, in sport rooms' floors and walls as well as the stairs that ascend from lower to higher levels, adds to the overall sense of nature that permeates interior spaces. In order to preserve the building's purity, it is covered in a single white shield, giving its volume a unique and luminous appearance among the mountainous region. (Cardenas, 2019)


  • Cardenas, D. (2019) Mosha House  / New Wave Architecture. [Online] ArchDaily. Available from :


  1. It wopuld be good to hear more about this design. For example - how does it work? Earlier in the term we discussed the use of cantilevers, which I asked you to look into. How have these been used in the Mocha House? The consideration in your design, must include the structural elements of what you are proposing.

    Also, find out what materials were used. The exterior looks as if it was rendered. Why is the building white? Does that say something about the environment it is in?

    You will need to look at the use of glass in other buildings as this is a major part of your design - this example is okay up to a point, but you need to be more specific in your research. This post is very low level and does not demonstrate much thought or investigation.


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