Practicality: the design in relation to the purpose of the library.

 Since the project is located at the heart of a University (University of Leicester), it would make the most sense to mix between a specialist and academic library:

Specialist libraries:

click on the image for the link

According to Emma (2021), a specialized library includes journals, other materials, and books that are exclusive to that field of study. They typically have a strong focus and may contain rare materials. Public access to these kinds of libraries is typically restricted. Which I think is perfect for this project since it is a library that specializes in architecture and technology.

Academic libraries:

An academic library offers research assistance to enhance learning. They typically have significant libraries of specialised literature and data about the subjects they teach. they are usually also part of a university (which in this case is exactly what I am looking for) and serve the faculty, students, and curriculum of the higher education institution. In addition to offering IT services and spacious study and research areas, they typically permit round-the-clock access (Emma, (2021)).


  • Emma (2021) Library Design Guide. [Online] First In Architecture. Available from :


  1. It would be good to see some examples of your own sketches with this visual research to demonstrate how you are using these sources.

    Edit this post - think about the purpose of this research and how it has helped to develop your project.

    You should look at more than one source!


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