3d outcome planning and prototype

 I presume that the process of making this 3d outcome will take a while. I would estimate that 2 to 2 and a half weeks is enough time to finish it fully, order the materials that I need, in addition to presenting it professionally.

Throughout this week (7). I will be preparing the basic materials and the main structure of each floor. In addition to cutting the wood into the shapes that I need.

In week, 8 I will 


I am planning on using the following materials:

  • Wood: this will be the main focus of this 3d outcome since it is durable, holds a generous amount of the structure, and is easily accessible at the wood workshop.                                                                     
  •   Acetate: I will use this material to represent glass, as my project will have a considerable amount of sunlight and openness, which will be crucial to a good representation of my project.                             
  •    Metal: I will be using this material for the structural aspect; the main pillars.

Prototype-making practice:

I first started by drawing these shapes onto a piece of mountboard. Then, using a kraft knife, I cut these parts out and lightly pressed down the sides of each part,

This is what it looked like when cut.

Then I used the kraft knife to cut the inside part where I think the pillars of the tower would fit, The figure at the top of the picture is supposed to be the upper head of the tower, whilst the other is the lower.

This is the outcome of this exercise:

Overall, I think this was a decent outcome in relation to how quick the process was, this took about 15 mins. However, I will not be using this method nor this material for the final outcome since this part is supposed to be made of glass and steel for the structural and technical parts. Therefore, I am going to use acetate and some kind of metal or painted wood.


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